8 Tips to Boost Your Brand in A Noisy World
- By admin
- News . target audience
On Tuesday I had the honor of giving a talk at the Rotary Club of Scarsdale. The subject was How to Boost Your Brand in a Noisy Word.
Great group, very nice restaurant, and a very nice day all around.
Below is the handout I prepared. The stats on mobile are scary. For example, mobile opens have increased 400% since 2011.
Then there is the statistic that we are all exposed to 5000 ad messages a day. Or perhaps only 2700, but whether its 5000 or 2700, that’s a lot of messages!
What’s a marketer to do? Keep it simple. The secret is—less delivers more.
8 Tips to Boost Your Brand in a Noisy World
1. Know your Brand Story
How do you want your target audience to feel?
2. Know your Target Audience
Where are they? How do they want to be engaged?
3. Know your Marketing Objective
What do you want them to do? Have you made it easy to reach you through multiple channels?
4. Be Consistent
With both your image and your marketing effort.
Why is it that you always recognize a Target or Tiffany ad even before you see their logo?
5. Say More…With Less!
This is the most important tip of all!
6. Stand out with Great Design and Copy
Easier to do today than ever!
“Good design goes to heaven; bad design goes everywhere. “ Mieke Gerritzen
7. Get Ahead with Analytics
Many are free! www.google.com/analytics http://www.woorank.com
8. Be Responsive
Think Mobile first! Your website should have the ability to respond to changes in device size
• Mobile opens have increased by 400% since 2011
• 35% of consumers only go online via Mobile
As the legendary Steve Jobs said:
“That’s been one of my mantras — focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex; you have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple.”
In a noisy world, Less is More.
Use these tips to Boost your Brand and get noticed!
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